This free seminar is designed to provide information on the Planning Strategies available to you. The government will not instruct you on how to avoid these costs; it is your responsibility to find out for yourself. It is extremely important to learn how these changes may affect you, your money, your ability to address your care needs in the future, and the protection of your inheritance to your children.
This free seminar will teach you why your legal documents (will, trust, power of attorney) may not be enough – or worse, how these documents may lead you to believe you are protected, but in fact won’t work in your time of need.
Join us on the date and time you choose below. Attendees will receive a limited-time offer for a FREE private attorney consultation (a $500 value) to review your existing documents or answer your questions about setting up a living trust plan.
Attorney Kellen Bryant is uniquely qualified to present this seminar having worked in the trenches with caregivers and families paying $9,000 a month in nursing home bills, or those facing guardianship and probate court.
Attorney Bryant has also seen that proper planning works to help avoid these time and money pits. From this experience, he will teach you ways in which families can avoid these costs, red-tape, and hassle.
Be sure you and your family are properly protected even if you already have a will, POA, or living trust!
Learn how a properly designed and maintained trust and estate plan can protect from: